Thursday, May 25, 2023

cdellys concrete

this week ive been working on boxing to then make concrete a foot path the steps we have taken so far is that we had to dig the dirt out of our way and put them in a wheel barrel to the move all the dirt to a pile we then got our boxing materials we put the metal stands in the ground then fixed the wood planks to the poles with pipe saddle then 2 of the boys gatherd some gravel then we laid it down in the area to finish it of today we will be making concrete and laying it down we will then lay it own so that it is leveled and mark the area of so no one we will walk on it and ruin it so we have to mark it of o that we can let it dry.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Welcome to cdellys building academy experiences

Ki ora my name is kadel better knowen as cdel I would like start my blog with telling what have done so far this year.

this year my first project was doing the roofing on our shed project so the there will be no water getting into the shed and reack the p.e. gear i have done a few other projects since the like digging hole to make a retaing wall and seats by the school hall i have also done brick foot path so that it reduces the chance of students walking through the mud and tracking mud into their classes