Friday, May 5, 2023

Welcome to cdellys building academy experiences

Ki ora my name is kadel better knowen as cdel I would like start my blog with telling what have done so far this year.

this year my first project was doing the roofing on our shed project so the there will be no water getting into the shed and reack the p.e. gear i have done a few other projects since the like digging hole to make a retaing wall and seats by the school hall i have also done brick foot path so that it reduces the chance of students walking through the mud and tracking mud into their classes 

1 comment:

  1. Konnichiwa Kadel
    I like how you said what you have done for each building project so far.

    I thought it was cool how you started on working on the roof for the school P.E shed because I think that roofing is an important part of the process and has to be done really well so that no water gets into the shed and rots the wood and more importantly to make our shed look nice.

    Next time, you could add more details to your post so that I can give you a better thoughtful comment on what you have done so far. For example instead of saying you worked on the roof tell us what part of the roof you worked on and what tools you had to use for the specific part of the roof etc.

    How is learning in building academies going for you? Are you learning quite well, fast etc
