Thursday, July 27, 2023

Building academy mahi

This week i have gone to site with Wha Out builders we showed to site me and maanaki they did not have much for us to do but we ended up having to pull a few nogs around some storage doors but they were nailed into jib so we had to get weather tape to cover up the holes we then had to pick up some rubbish the end .

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Cdellys Retaing wall

 Ki ora my names Cdelly I would like to share with you what I have been doing. I have been doing a retaing wall by the school hall it is also used as a seating area we decided to make it a seating area because there are trees over the top wich would be a perfect for hot sunny day as the tress provide shade. There was a group of us doing this job wich consisted of the year 12 group we had to start with our planning stage then we had to dig and measure the holes for the post to hold the wall most of the holes had to have depth of either 350mm or 400mm from the foot path height.

ones we had finished with digging we then cut the post to the appropriate length for the holes we then made sure the post were leveled with a post level then the concrete was mixed and poured in to the holes around the post to tablelise it we youse battons to hold the post there while the concrete was drying.